Friday, 9 July 2010

Final results!

Not sure there's much point me posting htese as there so little difference you wont be able to see any change really!

Weight 2lbs lost
Inches 2 inches overall

Not sure why i cant line the first two up - but as I said not a huge difference!

The thing is though even though i look no different, there are still changes, my supplementation is now working, effective and regular, nutrition whilst I generally follow Ed principles 80% of the time it has become normal to me now, and what I mean by that is when i first heard of the ED and tried it last year it seemed like I was cutting out things that i enjoyed or maybe just wanted to eat, each time less items have come back into my diet on the whole, I used to be a carb queen although this didnt seem to contribute to my weight gain really but meals were quite carb based so I'd always have potatoes or rice or pasta, now I rarely have pasta and if i do i feel horrible after so it no longer has much appeal, I still love ptatoes in every shape and form but i would now have a tiny amount and i dont miss them in meals if i dont have them, i used to drink 5-10 cups of tea a day and now only have 1 or 2 max and having introduced rooibos tea only a month ago I now dont really enjoy normal tea as much so will stick to the rooibos with a splash of organic skimmed milk!

Yesterday we had a celebration evening at our Obesity Project course as an end for the families, this was an hour of street dance which was fun and i dont think i'll be joing the Black Eed Peas backing dancers anytime soon but hey it was fun! Then we had a healthy picnic NHS style which is quite tricky to make it a treat for the kids yet healthy (NHS style) i repeat that as it is far from the ED! So we had a variety of low fat dips, hummus, tzatziki, salsa etc with breadsticks, low fat crisps (cardboard) cold hams and chicken, pittas, babybell cheeses, some low fat yoghurts, fruit - strawberries, cherries, pineapple chunks and the tiny bite sized pieces of flapjack and baby gingerbread men! - I should just mention that we had no prep area and had to literally use ready prepared items or it could have been alot better!

So I dipped a mini breadstick in the hummus (I love hummus) I tried a low fat crisp which i just thought why bother it tastes of nothing and the textrure was like cardboard! Give me my cashews anyday! I picked on a few bits of chicken and couldnt stop on the cherries once i started they were so sweet and juicy, had a few strawberries and then for some reason thought id have a bite of the flapjack - I had to discreetly spit it out it just tasted of pure sugar and it just shows me how my taste buds have changed and how I now view food especially when its the low fat/diet crap which doesnt resemble real food at all! Ive never gone along with diet food however seeing it and trying it just confirms to me that natural wholesome food is what should make up most of our diets - things I would now consider treats would be a few roast potatoes with my dinner or the odd piece of good quality dark chocolate!!

So even though the scales dont go where I want them too I have to thank Dax for such a great nutritional plan which if nothing else provides me with good health - I rarely get colds or illness and that at the end of the day is worth it all!


  1. Sarah, all those lifestyle changes are so much more important in the long run then big losses on the scale. You are on a great path to being fit for life! And you know, you are in a way so slim, especially your belly, and sometimes you just have to thank you parents for certain genes that might make it really really hard to change some body parts... But by you walking the walk and talking the talk you are such a role model for your clients, much more then having an actress physique!

  2. Thanks Annette - It doesnt look so good in a bikini but that WILL come x thank you also for all your suppport and kind words always - amazing how the internet can bring about friendships hey!!

  3. Sarah you looked great before and i have said before you could be the poster model for any of Daxs programs. great you have learned more nutritionally what you need. i had no change physically but learnt what i need to do when it comes to that time of month as that was my downfall, i will put into practice what Dax recommended and keep going. thanks for being so motivating on the forum. take care.

  4. Right about so much, but you're wrong that there's no visible differnce, Sarah! You can see a difference in your tum, hips and thighs - not major, but it's there. Also your bust looks higher. If you'd risked the bikini shot I suspect we'd be able to see other changes too. Because your lifestyle is already so close to the ideal and ditto your body, the visible improvements will never be as dramatic for you, but you have changed - honest!
